Алистер Маклин
Alistair Stuart MacLean
21 April 1922
2 February
born in Glasgow, Lanarkshire
died in
Munich [Germany],
and was buried in Celigny
~ * ~
[*Error info:
"born in Daviot, Invernesshire, Scotland,
28 April 1922."]
Alistair Stuart MacLean was born in Glasgow, and he was raised in the
Scottish Highlands in Daviot near Inverness.
Last modified:
Series characters:
Van de Graaf
[the Chief of the Amsterdam police]
1. Puppet on a Chain (1969)
2. Floodgate (1983)
(В круглых скобках указаны русские названия, появлявшиеся в анонсах и статьях).
Novels: |
1) HMS Ulysses
(London: Collins,
1955), aka [US title]: H.M.S. Ulysses (NY: Doubleday, 56) [--The novel that launched the astonishing career of one
of the 20th century's greatest writers of action and suspense -- an
acclaimed classic of heroism and the sea in World War II. The story of men
who rose to heroism, and then to something greater, HMS Ulysses takes its
place alongside Herman Wouk's "The Caine Mutiny" (1951) and Nicholas
Monsarrat's "The Cruel Sea" (1951) as one of the classic novels of the navy
at war. It is the compelling story of Convoy FR77 to Murmansk -- a voyage
that pushes men to the limits of human endurance, crippled by enemy attack
and the bitter cold of the Arctic. |
Корабль Ее Величества "Улисс" Крейсер "Уллис" Одиссея крейсера "Уллисс" Полярный конвой |
2) The Guns of Navarone
Collins, 1957; NY:
Doubleday, 57)
Captain Keith Mallory-1
[serial segment publication (in 8 parts): 1956 September 22, 29, October (6*), 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10 in 'The Saturday Evening Post'] [*set:
Turkey, & small island Navarone in the Aegean Sea (World War II)] |
Пушки острова Наварон Пушки крепости Навароне |
3) South by Java Head
Collins, 1958; NY:
Doubleday, 58) [serial segment publication (parts 3, 4 of ?): 1958 March 1, 8, ... in 'John Bull'] [*set: ship, South China Sea (World War II,
1942) . *thriller fiction: Japanese Conquest, Refugees,
Counterespionage. *fictitious character: Constance Plenderleith,
Miss Drachmann, Van Effen, brigadier Foster Farnholme] |
К югу от Явы К югу от мыса Ява К югу, в направлении Явы (Южнее мыса Ява) |
4) The Last Frontier
Collins, 1959), aka [US title]: The Secret Ways (NY: Doubleday, 59) [serial segment publication (part 3 of ?): 1959 March 7, ... in 'John Bull'] [*set: Hungary. *thriller fiction:
Espionage Agencies, Secret Police, Scientist Defection, Andrassy Ut,
Hungarian AVO. *fictitious character: Harold Jennings, Michael
Reynolds] |
Последняя граница (Секретные пути; Тайные пути; Тайными путями) |
5) Night Without End
Collins, 1960; NY:
Doubleday, 60) [serial segment publication (in 8 parts): 1960 February 20, 27, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 in 'The Saturday Evening Post'] [*set:
Greenland, Arctic. *thriller fiction:
Espionage Mystery, Plane Crash, Hypothermia, Arctic
*fictitious character: Peter Mason] |
Ночи нет конца Ночь без конца Бесконечная ночь |
6) The Dark Crusader
Collins, 1961)
as Ian Stuart aka [US title]: The Black Shrike (NY: Scribner, 61) as Ian Stuart
[*set: Fiji, Polynesia.
*thriller fiction: Cold War thriller. *fictitious character:
Marie & John Bentall] |
Черный крестоносец Темный крестоносец (Черный Cорокопут) |
7) Fear Is the Key
Collins, 1961; NY:
Doubleday, 61) [magazine publication (in 4 parts): 1961 September - December in 'Argosy' (UK)] [*set:
Florida. *thriller fiction: Underwater Treasure, Oil Derricks,
Bathyscaphes, Salvage Diving. *fictitious character: John Talbot] |
Страх - это ключ
Погружение в ужас Страх отпирает двери Страх открывает двери Страх открывает все двери (Ключом является страх; Ключом был страх) |
8) The Satan Bug (London:
Collins, 1962; NY:
Scribner, 62)
as Ian Stuart
[*set: London.
*thriller fiction: Cold War thriller.] |
Дьявольский микроб Сатанинский микроб |
9) The Golden
Rendezvous (London:
Collins, 1962; NY:
Doubleday, 62) [*set:
ship, Caribbean Sea. *fictitious character: Johnny Carter] |
Золотое рандеву |
10) Ice Station Zebra
Collins, 1963; NY:
Doubleday, 63) [magazine publication: 1964 February in 'Argosy'] [*set: Arctic. *thriller fiction:
Nuclear Submarines, Underwater Exploration, Spy Satellites, Cold War.
*fictitious character:
Dr. Neil Carpenter, James Swanson,
John Hansen] |
Полярная станция "Зебра". Роковой рейд полярной "Зебры" Дрейфующая станция "Зет" (Роковой дрейф полярной "Зебры"; Допрос на дне океана; Полярная станция "Зебра"; Замороженная станция "Зебра"; ) |
11) When Eight Bells
Toll (London:
Collins, 1966; NY:
Doubleday, 66) [magazine publication (in 3 parts): 1966 October - December in 'Argosy' (UK)] [*set: ship, Scotland. *thriller fiction:
Sunken Gold, Mass Kidnapping, Naval Hijacking,
Underwater Salvage, Scuba Diving.
*fictitious characters: Philip Calvert, sir Arthur Arnford-Jason] |
Когда бьет восемь склянок. Когда пробьет восемь склянок. Когда склянки бьют восемь. Когда пробьет восемь. Два дня и три ночи. 48 часов. Свистать всех на верх. В "Глотке мертвеца". |
12) Where Eagles Dare
Collins, 1967; NY:
Doubleday, 67) [*set:
Germany, Schloss Adler
(imaginary place) (World War II).
*thriller fiction: British Secret Agents, Nazi Spies, Double Agents,
Counterintelligence, Military. *fictitious character:
major John Smith, lieutenant Morris Schaffer] |
Куда долетают орлы Куда залетают орлы Там дерзают только орлы Там, где парят орлы (Куда летают одни лишь орлы) |
Force 10 from Navarone
(London: Collins, 1968;
NY: Doubleday, 68)
Captain Keith Mallory-2
Yugoslavia, (World War II). *thriller fiction:
Partisans, Espionage, Clandestine Operations.
*fictitious characters: Captain Keith Mallory, Colonel
Andrea Stavros, Corporal "Dusty" Miller] |
10 баллов с острова Наварон Ураган с Наварона (Ураган с острова Навароне; Пушки снова заговорили) |
14) Puppet on a Chain
Collins, 1969; NY:
Doubleday, 69)
Van de Graaf-1 [magazine publication (in 3 parts): 1969 December, 1970 January, February in 'Argosy' (UK)] [*set: Amsterdam, Netherlands .
*thriller fiction: Drug Smuggling, Interpol, Huyler Holland,
Narcotics Ring, Hay Dance. *fictitious characters: Paul Sherman,
Colonel Van De Graaf, Inspector Van Gelder] |
Кукла на цепи Кукла на цепочке Кукла на привязи Марионетка Сувенир, или Кукла на цепочке |
15) Caravan to Vaccarès
Collins, 1970; NY:
Doubleday, 70) aka: (Caravan to Vaccares)
France. *thriller fiction:
Espionage, Gypsy Caravans. *fictitious characters: Czerda, Duc De
Croytor, Neil Bowman, Cecile Dubois] |
Караван в Ваккарес Кибитки съезжаются к Ваккаре. (Караван идет в Ваккарес; В кибитке до Ваккареса) |
16) Bear Island (London:
Collins, 1971; NY:
Doubleday, 71)
[*set: Arctic, Barents Sea (~1970).
*thriller fiction: Cold War, Espionage, Nazi Loot, Nazi Treasure,
Communist Agents, Submarines, U-Boats, Treasure Hunt, Money Laundering.
*fictitious character: dr. Marlowe, Otto Gerran, Mary Stuart, Charles
Conrad, Johann Heissman] |
Остров Медвежий |
17) The Way to Dusty
Death (London:
Collins, 1973; NY:
Doubleday, 73) [*set:
*thriller fiction: Auto Racing, Illegal Drugs, Grand Prix Racing,
Drug Rings, Undercover Police, Kidnapping. *fictitious character:
Johnny Harlow] |
Дорога пыльной смерти Дорога в ад (Путь к пыльной смерти; Смертельная пыль; Пыль на трассе; Смерть в пустыне) |
18) Breakheart Pass
Collins, 1974; NY:
Doubleday, 74)
[*set: train, Nevada Territory,
Fort Humboldt (imaginary place),
(American Old West, 1870s).
*thriller fiction:
Train Robbery, Repeating Rifles, Indian raids. *fictitious
characters: John Deakin, Marica Fairchild] |
Ущелье Разбитого Сердца Ущелье Разбитых Сердец Ущелье разбитых надежд (Перевал "Разбитое сердце") |
Collins, 1975; NY:
Doubleday, 75) [*set:
Eastern Europe.
*thriller fiction: Espionage, Cold War, Circus Animal.
*fictitious character: Bruno Wildermann] |
Цирк |
20) The Golden Gate
Collins, 1976; NY:
Doubleday, 76)
[*set: San Francisco, California. *thriller
fiction: Terrorism, Robbery, Ransom. *fictitious character: Paul
Revson] |
Золотые ворота |
Collins, 1977; NY:
Doubleday, 77) [*set:
*thriller fiction: Oil Conspiracy, Terrorism. *fictitious
characters: Cronkite, Michael Mitchell, John Roomer] |
(Морская ведьма) |
22) Goodbye California
Collins, 1978; NY:
Doubleday, 78)
[*set: California. *thriller fiction:
Earthquakes, Nuclear Hijacking, Atomic Bombs, Filipino Terrorists.
*fictitious character: Sergeant John Ryder, Morro] |
Прощай, Калифорния |
23) Athabasca (London:
Collins 1980; NY: Doubleday, 1980)
[*set: Alaska and northwest Canada.
*thriller fiction: Eco Terrorism, Alaska Oil Pipeline, Pipeline Sabotage,
Alaskan North Slope, Oil Spills, Environmental Damage, Oil Shale
Refining, Shale Mining. *fictitious character: Jim Brady, George
Dermott, Donald Mackenzie] |
(Атабаска) |
24) River of Death
Collins, 1981; NY:
Doubleday, 82) [*set:
Brazil, Rio Da Morte (imaginary place).
*thriller fiction: Nazi Treasure Hunt, Nazi War Criminals.
*fictitious characters: John Hamilton, Edward Hiller] |
Река Смерти |
25) Partisans (London:
Collins, 1982; NY:
Doubleday, 83)
[*set: Yugoslavia (World War II, 1943).
*thriller fiction: Secret Agents, Commandos, Balkans. *fictitious
character: major Peter Petersen] |
Партизаны |
26) Floodgate (London:
Collins, 1983; NY:
Doubleday, 84)
Van de Graaf-2
[*set: Holland, Amsterdam. *thriller fiction:
Atomic Weapons Terrorist, Nuclear terrorism, Dutch Dikes, Airport
Flooding. *fictitious character: Peter Van Effen, colonel Van de
Graaf] |
Шлюз |
27) San Andreas (London:
Collins, 1984; NY:
Doubleday, 85) [*set:
ship, North Sea (World War II).
*thriller fiction: Espionage, Nazi Saboteur, Merchant Convoy,
Merchant Marine, Luftwaffe Attack.
*fictitious characters: Archie McKinnon] |
Сан-Андреас |
Santorini (London:
Collins, 1986; NY:
Doubleday, 87) [*set:
ship, Aegean Sea. *thriller fiction: Electronic Surveillance, Nuclear
Weapons, Nuclear Terrorism. *fictitious character: commander Talbot] |
Санторин (Санторини) |
Omnibus of novels: |
Alistair MacLean: Six Complete Novels (London:
Fontana, 1984 [1983*])
The Guns of Navarone / Force 10 from Navarone [Cinema
Classics] (Wings [USA], 2000) Alistair MacLean's Sea Thrillers (Harper/Collins,
Alistair MacLean's Arctic Chillers (Harper/Collins,
Collection of Short Stories: |
The Lonely Sea: Collected Short
(London: HarperCollins, 1985;
Doubleday, 1986)
[--The following stories published
in the Sunday Express
(Одинокое море.
[сборник]) (Верный. [The Dileas. рассказ]) |
Uncollected Short Story: |
The Cruise of the Golden Girl (1954, Blackwood's Magazine) | |
NON-FICTION books: |
All about Lawrence of Arabia (London:
W.H.Allen, 1962)
[juvenile book, biographic]
aka [US title]: Lawrence of Arabia (NY: Random House, 1962) [--At the outbreak of the First World War, T. E. Lawrence was a British officer assigned to Branch Intelligence in Cairo. In this routine job the young lieutenant demonstrated an unfortunate talent for irritating his superior officers - as well as a remarkable knowledge of Arabia and its people. But there was nothing to indicate that he would become a legend in his own lifetime. "Lawrence of Arabia" is an absorbing account of how this dramatic change came about, beginning with Lawrence's transfer to the Arab Bureau where he was to coordinate British and Arab troop movements. Boldly he plunged into the bitter conflict raging between the Arabs and their Turkish conquerors and worked out for his Arab allies a brilliant series of campaign tactics. Against a background of desert warfare, Alistair MacLean presents an unforgettable portrait of the genius who gave his mind, heart and perseverance to a dram of Arab independence - and in so doing became the immortal "Lawrence of Arabia".] |
(Все о Лоуренсе Аравийском) |
Alistair MacLean Introduces Scotland, ed. by A.M.
Dunnett (Deutsch [UK], 1972; NY: McGraw-Hill [Blacklick, Ohio, U.S.A.],
1972) [--Edited by Alastair MacTavish Dunnett. A well illustrated, and described book dealing with the history of Scotland by thirteen authorities] |
(Алистер Маклин знакомит с Шотландией) |
Captain Cook (London:
Collins, 1972; NY: Doubleday,
[juvenile book, historical-biographical] [--The author's achievement in this book is to present a graphic and lively account of this great explorer, and to describe in exciting detail his three amazing voyages and the adventures that befell him.] |
Капитан Кук: История географических открытий великого мореплавателя. |
Screenplays: |
Where Eagles Dare (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
[Winkast*], 1968 US
film) Screenwriter - Alistair MacLean. Based on the novel of the same title (1967) Directed by Brian G. Hutton. Starring: Richard Burton {as Smith}, Clint Eastwood {as Schaffer}.
[--MacLean wrote the novel and screenplay of 'Where Eagles
Dare' at the same time. In effect it was commissioned by Richard Burton, who
wanted to make a "boy's own" type adventure film that he could take his son
to see. The book and screenplay differ markedly in that, in the book, Smith
and Schaffer at times go out of their way not to kill anyone, whereas in the
film they basically shoot anything that moves. In fact, the film contains
Clint Eastwood's highest on-screen body count. Also, in the book, Schaffer
is considerably more talkative than Eastwood's considerably more laconic
version. (en.wikipedia.org) |
(Там, где гнездятся орлы; Орлиное гнездо) |
Puppet on a Chain (Big City, 1970
film) Screenwriters: Alistair MacLean, Don Sharp & Paul Wheeler. Based on the novel of the same title (1969) by MacLean Directed by Don Sharp & Geoffrey Reeve. Starring: Sven Bertil Taube, Barbara Parkins. |
When Eight Bells Toll (Winkast Film Productions
[Rank*], 1971
film) Screenwriter - Alistair MacLean. Based on the novel of the same title (1966) Directed by Etienne Perier & Paul Stader. Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Robert Morley, Jack Hawkins, Nathalie Delon. |
Breakheart Pass (United Artists, 1975
US film) Screenwriter - Alistair MacLean. Based on the novel of the same title (1974) Directed by Tom Gries. Starring: Charles Bronson, Ben Johnson, Richard Crenna, Jill Ireland. |
The Hostage Tower
(GL Productions, Inc.;
release date: 13 May 1980, USA TV) [story
outline & television play] aka: Alistair MacLean's The Hostage Tower. (USA complete title) Screenwriters: Alistair MacLean & Robert Carrington. Directed by Claudio Guzman. Starring: Peter Fonda {as Mike Graham}, Maud Adams {as Sabrina Carver}, Billy Dee Williams {as Clarence Whitlock}, Keir Dullea {as Mr. Smith}. [--Billed as novelist Alistair MacLean's first original television thriller, this tale finds flamboyant master criminal Keir Dullea and several specialists staging an audacious scheme to capture the Eiffel Tower and hold as hostage one of its visitors, the U.S. President's mother (veteran British actress Celia Johnson), while Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., head of a UN security force, tries to foil the plot with the aid of Peter Fonda (his TV-movie debut) and Billy Dee Williams. Rachel Roberts (as Fairbanks' assistant) had her final role here (although a later TV appearance in "The Wall", filmed earlier, followed in 1981)] |
(Башня заложников) |
Articles: |
Fear Is the Key (February 1962, Argosy) [article] | |
“Argosy Profile: Alistair MacLean” by Stephen Merrick (September 1967, Argosy [UK]) [interview] | |
Alistair MacLean on the Rewards and Responsibilities of Success (19 June 1982, the Glasgow Herald) [article] |
~ * ~
his Birthname:
Alistair George Gilach MacLean
- ???
Stylistically MacLean's novels can be broken down into four periods:
1955. HMS Ulysses
The Guns of Navarone
South by Java Head
The Last Frontier
These featured third-person narratives and a somewhat
epic tone, and were mostly set during World War II. The Last Frontier
contained overt philosophical and moral themes that were not well received.
MacLean then switched gears to —
1960. Night Without End
1961. The Dark Crusader
Fear Is the Key
The Satan Bug
The Golden Rendezvous
1963. Ice
Station Zebra
These all featured first person (and sometimes unreliable)
narration laced with a dry, sardonic, self-deprecating humour, and
were all set in contemporary times. These are MacLean's most intensely plotted
tales, masterfully blending thriller and detective elements. MacLean then
retired from writing for three years, returning with —
1966. When Eight Bells Toll
1967. Where Eagles
Force 10 from Navarone
Puppet on a Chain
Caravan to Vaccarès
Bear Island
a varied collection that still maintained a generally high quality, with some
books harking back to each of the first two periods but usually taking a
more cinematic approach (not surprising since he began writing
screenplays during this time). Finally —
1973. The Way to Dusty Death
Breakheart Pass
1975. Circus
1976. The Golden
1977. Seawitch
1978. Goodbye
1980. Athabasca
1981. River of Death
1982. Partisans
1983. Floodgate
1984. San Andreas
1986. Santorini
There were no more first-person stories,
and his prose often sagged badly, with excessive dialogue, lazily described
scenes, and poor characterization. Some of the books are better
than others, and all sold reasonably well, but MacLean never regained his
classic form.
A new novel
Fire of Humiliation. by Alistair MacLean
(Sitare Ltd [US publisher -?*],
(hardcover, released: October 1993; ISBN-10: 0940178494; ISBN-13:
978-0940178496) (info from site
NB! :
(Снег на Бене)
[автор - Ян Стюарт
The Snow on the Ben (Ward, 1961) [set: Scotland] written
by a different Ian
(born in England 6
May 1927 - 1993);
his other books: "Death from Disclosure", 1976; "Flood Tide", 1977; "Master
Plan", 1990; etc. This writer also published as Malcolm
Gray ("Look Back on Murder", 1985, etc.).
MacLean's book outlines by Other Authors
Alistair MacLean left a number of story outlines, commissioned by an American film company, to be written by other authors. The outlines were derived in 1977 as a series of film outlines. There were 8 outlines dealing with the activities of 5 members of a fictional anti-crime organization that was part of the United Nations (UNACO books). Some of these works bear little resemblance to MacLean's style, especially in their use of gratuitous sex and violence.
***John Denis
[pseudonym of
John Edwards & Denis
Frost (born 1925)]:
Alistair MacLean's Hostage Tower, written
John Denis (London: Fontana, 1980; NY: Fawcett Books [Crest],
UNACO series
[--Plot outline: Criminal takes hostages
on the Eiffel Tower in Paris.]
Alistair MacLean's Air Force One Is Down,
written by
John Denis (London: Fontana, 1981; NY: Fawcett Books [Crest],
UNACO series
[--'Inspired by MacLean's dramatic world of action, comes this
novel of suspense and terror where a diabolical terrorist mastermind blows up
the president's plane causing havoc. Now only UNACO can be trusted to fight
through the layers of danger and deception and stop a madman before he plunges
the world into total chaos...']
***Alastair John
(born 1960, in Greenock, Scotland) :
Alistair MacLean's Death Train, written
by Alastair MacNeill
(London: Collins, 1989; NY: Gold Medal, 1990)
series (Поезд
Death Train (Detonator). US TV,
directed by David S. Jackson, starring Pierce Brosnan {as
Michael 'Mike' Graham}, Patrick Stewart {as Malcolm Philpott},
Alexandra Paul {as Sabrina Carver}]
[--A United Nations anti-terrorist strike force tries to stop a
hijacked train carrying a nuclear bomb and a squad of deadly triggermen from
being delivered to Iraq.
--About film: A German Scientist has aided an ex Soviet general in
constructing a nuclear weapon which is now in the possession of an American
mercenary heading across Europe in a hijacked goods train. Malcolm Philpott, a
member of UNACO, (United Nation Anti Crime Organization) must use a team of hand
picked agents from various parts of the globe to stop this death train at all
Alistair MacLean's Night Watch,
written by Alastair MacNeill (London:
Collins, 1989; NY: Gold Medal, 1991) UNACO
series. Ночной дозор.
Алистер Макнейл.
[film: Detonator 2: Night Watch.
US TV, 1995. directed by David S. Jackson &
Michael Steinberg, starring
Pierce Brosnan]
[--A special agent hired by the United Nations Anti-Crime
Organization teams up with his commander and a battlefield-tough operative to
track down a stolen painting.]
Alistair MacLean's Red Alert, written
by Alastair MacNeill (London: Collins,
1990; NY: Crest, 1992) UNACO
series. Красная опасность.
Алистер Макнейл.
[--When renegade members of Italy's notorious Red Brigades steal
vials of a terrifying new super-virus, U.N. agents and a Red Brigades commander
must cooperate to prevent the terrorists from killing millions.
--The Italian Red brigades raid the US owned Neo Chem laboratory between Rome
and Tivoli and steal a deadly DNA virus. They plan to trade it for ?100m to be
paid to the terrorist's armies of 5 European countries and if opened could kill
millions. The terrorists threaten to release the virus if their demands are not
met. UNACO agents are summoned from leave as they have to find and secure the
vial before a catastrophe takes place.
--Red Brigades have stolen a deadly DNA virus and plan to sell it to the
terrorist armies of Europe. UNACO are called in to find the vial before it's
released into the atmosphere and killing millions. Action adventure and suspense
in true Alistair MacLean fashion.]
Alistair MacLean's Time of the Assassins,
written by Alastair MacNeill (London:
Collins, 1991; Harper, 1993)
UNACO series
Africa, Beirut (Lebanon), New York. *thriller fiction: Crime Fighting
Thriller, Assassination Plot. *fictitious character: Mike Graham, Jean
Jacques Bernard]
[--"Mike Graham, a crack member of the United Nations Anti-Crime
Organization, has gone AWOL on an illegal mission of personal vengeance: to find
and destroy the infamous Jean Jacques Bernard - the man who killed his family.
From Lebanon to Africa, awash in bloody revolution, to New York, where assassins
gather, Graham relentlessly tracks his prey, unaware that he has stumbled into a
complex plot obscured by a web of tangled loyalties. For Bernard alone has
information that can thwart Mobuto's assassination. And as the danger heats to
flash point, both the CIA and UNACO must find Graham and stop him - or risk a
bloodbath the world will not soon forget."]
Alistair MacLean's Dead Halt, written
by Alastair MacNeill (London: Collins,
1992; Harper, 1995) UNACO
[--Based on the outline of a novel by the late bestselling author Alistair
MacLean, this thriller pits two UNACO agents against a global conspiracy. Mike
Graham and Sabrina Carver will race from the U.S. to England, Switzerland, and
Ireland to diffuse a deadly plan being played out by three unlikely
collaborators - a group of arms traders, a drug cartel and the mafia.]
Alistair MacLean's Code Breaker,
written by Alastair MacNeill (London:
Collins, 1993; Harper, 1996) UNACO
[--A High-Stakes kidnapping - A Nerve-Shattering Mission of Search, Rescue, and
Alistair MacLean's Rendezvous, written
by Alastair MacNeill (London:
HarperCollins, 1995) [story outline by
Alistair MacLean ]
[--'Well up to the master's standard' (Northern Echo)]
?* + an odd info: The Rembrandt Affair (1989) by Alistair MacNeill ??? [story outline by Alistair MacLean ??? ]
***Hugh Miller
(born 1937):
Alistair MacLean's UNACO II: Prime Target,
Hugh Miller
(London: Harper/Collins, 1996) UNACO
[--This novel builds on Alistair MacLean's UNACO series. A young
American women is publicly murdered in London by a mysterious assassin who kills
himself before the police can catch him. Found in the woman's possessions is a
list of men's names, two of whom have been assassinated themselves.
--Set at the end of World War Two, Prime Target continues the adventures of the
agents for UNACO (the United Nations Anti-Crime Organization).]
Alistair MacLean's UNACO II: Borrowed
Time, by
Hugh Miller
(London: Harper/Collins, 1997) UNACO
[--With Mike Graham and Sabrina Craver's working relationship as volatile as
ever, they are plunged into an investigation that requires all their courage.
When they arrive in the Vale of Kashmir, they find the priest brutally murdered,
and an ex-trained assassin is the principal suspect.]
***Simon Gandolfi [for
"Alistair MacLean's
Golden Girl
series", with series character Trent
Alistair MacLean's Golden Girl, written
Simon Gandolfi (London: Chapmans, 1992; NY:
Ballantine, 1995; NY: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1995 [1994-?*])
Золотая девушка. Саймон Гандольфи.
[--*?* Based on the full-length screenplay 'The
Golden Girl' by Alistair MacLean and echoes the style, tension and wit of the
master storyteller. First title in the thriller series featuring Trent, the
skipper of the Golden Girl.
--Simon Gandolfi was chosen to complete two unfinished novels by that master of
the adventure thriller Alistair MacLean.
--Trent is an agent for the EC's anti terrorist squad and lives on the catamaran
Golden Girl. A six-month assignment to Belpan - an 80-mild coastal strip of
swampland and pineclad mountains in the Caribbean - is to enable him to
establish a new identity.]
Golden Web (Alistair MacLean Golden Girl
Series), by
Simon Gandolfi (London: Chapmans, 1993)
[*set: Caribbean] Trent
Золотая паутина.
Саймон Гандольфи.
[--Second in the Alistair MacLean Golden Girl
--Against a Caribbean backcloth of dives at night in shark-infested waters and
underwater earthquakes, it is a story of murder, greed and betrayal worthy of
the master storyteller himself". A yacht, The Beau Belle, sinks within the Cuban
Reef. Aboard her were four men who have disappeared. Did any survive? Was the
sinking sabotage? Or was it, possibly, murder? O'Brien of the U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency, pits Trent of the British Intelligence Services and his
Catamaran Golden Girl against the powers of the Mafia and of the Cuban Navy, in
a race to unravel the web of menace and mystery surrounding the sunken yacht.
Golden Web is the second in the thriller series featuring Alistair MacLean's
Golden Girl and Trent, her skipper.]
Golden Vengeance (Alistair MacLean Golden
Girl Series), by
Simon Gandolfi (London: Chapmans 1994;
Ballantine, 1995) Trent
Золотая месть. Саймон Гандольфи.
[--Third in the Alistair MacLean Golden Girl
Series. "..a classic adventure of rescue , flight and revenge , centered on the
kidnapping by pirates of Jasmine , the granddaughter of a Hong Kong shipping
--The youngest daughter of a Hong Kong billionaire has been kidnapped-no
witnesses to the crime can be permitted to live! The father will lose face if it
becomes public. Can Trent rescue her against all the odds?]
White Sands, by
Simon Gandolfi (Orion [UK], 1995;
HarperCollins [US], 1997) [*set: Caribbean]
OF A LETHAL SECRET A plane crashes, carrying a cargo of cocaine-the pilot dead,
no witnesses, except a boy fishing for lobster. The boy buries the cocaine,
terror keeps him silent. So begins Simon Gandolfi's exceptional thriller. Set in
the Caribbean, WHITE SANDS is full of extraordinary characters: Jacket Bride,
the thirteen-year-old boy with a fantastic dream in his heart, and a lethal
secret in his head. Skelley, the island police chief with an implacable loathing
for drug runners. Charity, the formidable schoolteacher. And ex-British
intelligence agent Trent, who leaves his catamaran GOLDEN GIRL to help in an
operation where one person alone holds the key: a child with an adult secret,
hunted for his life.
--Featuring his tough ex-British agent Trent, Gandolfi's thrillers have earned
him a well-deserved place in the hearts of readers around the world. A young
Bahamian boy witnesses the crash of a cocaine smuggler's plane and buries the
drugs. Soon he is in over his head, caught between an international cartel and
the law.
--Jacket Bride, a fatherless thirteen-year-old boy trying to help his mother
support the household, is out fishing one moonlit night in the Caribbean surf of
Bleak Cay. From out of nowhere, a small plane sputters overhead and crashes on
the beach. Jacket investigates, leaving footprints around the site, only to find
a dead pilot and a large cargo of cocaine, which he buries in a panic. The next
day a suspicious older boy sets out across the island to see what the
guilty-looking Jacket is trying to keep quiet. Sometime later this boy is found,
the victim of a grisly fate, and the canny island police chief, Skelley, feels
compelled to rouse Trent, a laconic ex-British Intelligence agent living in
seclusion, to aid in his investigation of the disturbing incident. As the clock
ticks, it becomes clear to Skelley and Trent that they are up against a ring of
ruthless international drug-runners, who will stop at nothing to keep their
secrets safe - including hunting down the thirteen-year-old child who holds the
key to the mystery.
--Thirteen-year-old Jacket McBride is out crabbing late one night in the Bahamas
when a cocaine-carrying aircraft crashes nearby, killing all of the passengers.
Jacket takes it upon himself to hide the plane's load of cocaine by burying it.
But when the low-lifes expecting the shipment get word of the crash, they
torture and kill another boy they mistake for Jacket. A local cop calls in hero
Trent, a retired member of the British secret service, to help Jacket escape
***Samson Llewellyn
(born 1948):
Storm Force from Navarone, by
Sam Llewellyn (London:
Harper/Collins, 1996)
Captain Keith Mallory
[--The Sequel to Alistair Maclean's Force 10 from Navarone.
--In this sequel to Alistair MacLean's "Navarone" books, Mallory, Miller and
Andrea are sent on Operation Storm Force - a mission through occupied France to
a supposedly neutral Spain, to disable the "Werwolf" U-boats. The Storm Force
have less than six days to locate the submarines and destroy them.]
Thunderbolt from Navarone, by
Sam Llewellyn (London:
Harper/Collins, 1998)
Captain Keith Mallory
[--Fresh from their mission against Werwolf U-Boats, Mallory,
Miller and Andrea are summoned to Naval HQ and given their mission: to
reconnoitre Kynthos and determine the German development of the lethal V3
rocket, and destroy any facilities. A rocket expert accompanies them but can
they trust him.]
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