Питер Чейни

Peter Cheyney
(pseudonym of Reginald Evelyn [Everard] Peter Southouse Cheyney,
born Reginald Southouse Cheyney)
( 22 February 1896 - 26 June 1951 )
London [Whitechapel] (England) - London (England)

© 2006, Vladimir (Владимир Матющенко, составитель)

Last modified: 12.08.2006

(Русские названия, указанные в скобках, взяты из статей и анонсов)
- эта информация требует уточнения.
[*NB: Многие сборники рассказов Чейни впервые были опубликованы в Англии в виде небольших брошюр (in pamphlet formshort ('slim' ;-) books)]
Series characters:
Lemmy Caution [Lemuel H. Caution - an American tough-guy of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI special agent] 11 novels & 17 stories
Slim Callaghan
[“Slim” Rupert Patrick Callaghan - a tough, cynical and hard-drinking private investigator with an office in Berkeley Square, London] 7 novels & 32 stories
Alonzo MacTavish
[the best jewel thief in the business] 28 stories
Everard Peter Quayle [the enigmatic director of the Dark agents] 5 novels
Ernest (Ernie) Guelvada [a Belgian, British secret agent (Dark agent)] 3 novels
Shaun Aloysius O’Mara [a British secret agent (Dark agent)] 2 novels
Michael Kells
[a British secret agent (Dark agent -?*)] 2 novels
Johnny Vallon [a private investigator of “Chennault Investigations”, famous detective agency (Dark agent -?*)] 3 novels
Terence O'Day [a private investigator] 1 novel & 2 stories
[a spy-?] 2 stories
Julia Herron 4 stories
Abie Hymie Finkelstein
 4 stories

Novels:                                                            Романы:

This Man is Dangerous (London: Collins, June 1936) Lemmy Caution-1 Этот человек опасен.
(Опасный человек)
Poison Ivy (Collins,1937) Lemmy Caution-2

(magazine publication - 1937: Apr 10, Apr 17, Apr 24, May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22, May 29, Jun 5, Jun 12, Jun 19, Detective Weekly)

Ядовитый плющ;
Отравленный плющ.
G-Man at the Yard (1937, June 26, The Thriller Magazine);
G. Man at the Yard (Poynings (Sussex), GB, 1946). Lemmy Caution-3

[*--122 pp. A Lemmy Caution novel. Lemmy goes to London.]
(also see Collections:
"G" Man at the Yard and three short stories (London: Todd, 1953, 156pp.)

Джентльмен из Ярда;
Джентльмен в ярде.

[*Небольшой роман (4 главы) про Коушна; также см. 1953 - Сборники]

Dames Don't Care (Collins, 1937)
US title: Dames Don't Care! (NY: Coward-McCann Inc, 1938) Lemmy Caution-4

(magazine publication - 1937: Jul 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28, Sept 4, Sept 11, Sept 18, The Thriller Magazine)

[*--NY: ed. Coward McCann, 1938. Terrific pulp style jacket art by Pisani. "There's only thing worse than one dame--and that's two dames," according to Lemmy Caution. A hard-boiled tale set in Palm Springs, California. Cheyney, an Englishman who never visited the US, nevertheless wrote a series of hard-boiled American pulp style novels featuring tough guy G-Man Lemmy Caution. Though not widely read in the US, Cheyney was extremely popular in Europe.]

Дамам на все наплевать.
(Дамы без забот)
Can Ladies Kill? (Collins,1938) Lemmy Caution-5 Может ли леди убивать;
Могут ли женщины убивать.
(Могут леди убивать?; Леди способны убить?)
The Urgent Hangman (Collins, 1938) Slim Callaghan-1 Нетерпеливый палач;
Ждать палач не любит;
Воздастся каждому.
(Крайне необходимый палач; Необходим палач; Мастер на все руки)
Don't Get Me Wrong (Collins, January 1939) Lemmy Caution-6 Не поймите меня неправильно!;
Поймите меня правильно.
Dangerous Curves (Collins, October 1939);
US Title:
Callaghan (Belmont, 1973) Slim Callaghan-2
Опасные повороты;
Сети дьявола;
Полегче на поворотах.
(Опасный изгиб; Каллаген)
Deadly Fresco (Edinburgh & London, The Moray Press, 1939) published as Lyn Southney

[Callaghan - ?*, see - http://www.miskatonic.org/rara-avis/archives/200506/0149.html ]

Another Litlle Drink (Collins, 1940)
US Title:
A Trap for Bellamy (Dodd, 1941);
aka: Premeditated Murder (Detective Nicky Bellamy) (NY: Avon [Murder Mystery Monthly #15 digest paperback], 1943)
Еще один глоток;
Ловушка для Беллами.
(Еще один маленький глоток;
Еще один глоточек; Заранее продуманное убийство)

[* отдельный роман, гл. герой - Nick Bellamy]

You'd Be Surprised (Collins, 1940) Lemmy Caution-7

[--..."Peter Cheyney was, and so far remains Britain's leading writer of hard-boiled fiction. He created three memorable characters: Lemmy Caution, a ruthless machine-gun toting FBI agent; Slim Callaghan, a British private eye… ---"
-- Lemmy Caution, a hard-boiled G-Man, always attends strictly to business, and business always seems to include a dame!
-- INSCRIBED PRESENTATION COPY. Inscribed on the title page ‘P. M. Haydon from Peter Cheyney’.]

Есть над чем посмеяться.
(Вы будете удивлены).
You Can't Keep the Change (Collins, 1940) Slim Callaghan-3 Тайное становится явным.
(Вы не можете скрыть замены; Все течет, все изменяется)
Your Deal, My Lovely (Collins, 1941) Lemmy Caution-8 Тебе сдавать, милая!;
Сыграем в поддавки, дорогая.
(Тебе сдавать, моя дорогая; Твоя сдача, моя милая)
It Couldn't Matter Less (Collins, 1941);
US title:
Unscrupulous Mr. Callaghan (NY: Handi-Books/Quinn Publishing Company, 1943);
aka: Set-Up for Murder (NY: Pyramid, 1950) Slim Callaghan-4

[*-- SET-UP FOR MURDER (Slim Callaghan, Private Eye). Originally titled It Couldn't Matter Less. "A racy thriller with a wallop of a twist!".]

(Не существенно; Какие пустяки; Бессовестный мистер Каллаген; Убийство подготовлено)
Never a Dull Moment (Collins, 1942) Lemmy Caution-9 (+ Slim Callaghan -?*) (Нет глупее момента)
Dark Duet (Collins, 1942);
US title: The Counterspy Murders (NY: Avon
[Murder Mystery Monthly #21 digest paperback], 1944) Ernie Guelvada-1 (+Everard Peter Quayle-?*)


Черный дуэт, или убийцы из контрразведки.
(Ответственное шпионское убийство)
Sorry You've Been Troubled (Collins, 1942);
US Title:
Farewell to the Admiral (Dodd, 1943)
(aka: Sorry You've Been Troubled…) Slim Callaghan-5
(Извините за беспокойство; Жаль, что побеспокоил; Прощай, адмирал)
You Can Always Duck (Collins, 1943) Lemmy Caution-10

[*--INSCRIBED by Cheyney to his secretary, who typed his novels from 1935 till his death in 1951: "To Mrs Sprague from Peter Cheyney 4.3.43". According to the introductory life of Cheyney in his posthumously published "Velvet Johnnie" (1952), he "valued all the many things she did for him and not least, he explained, the wonderful way she caught the colour and pace of the story in process of dictation, so that paragraphing, punctuation and so on came out in the typescript just as he wished and had imagined".]

Смыться можно всегда.
(Всегда можно вовремя смыться; Ты всегда можешь выкрутиться; Ты мог бы выкрутиться!)
The Stars Are Dark (Collins, 1943);
US title: The London Spy Murders (Avon, 1944) Everard Peter Quayle-1


Звезды исчезают на рассвете.
(Темные звезды; Черные звезды; Лондонские шпионские убийства)
They Never Say When (Collins, 1944)
aka: They Never Say When! (Avon, 1946) Slim Callaghan-6
Они никогда не говорят когда.
The Dark Street (Collins, 1944)
US title: The Dark Street Murders (Avon, 1946) Everard Peter Quayle-2, Shaun O’Mara-1


Темная улица.
(Черная улица; Убийства на темной улице)
Sinister Errand (Collins, 1945);
US title: Sinister Murders (Avon, 1957) Michael Kells-1, Ernie Guelvada (+Everard Peter Quayle-?*)

War-time murder mystery introducing Michael Kells. Made into a 1952 film re-titled, "Diplomatic Courier" starring Tyrone Power, Patricia Neal, Stephen McNally, Hildegarde Neff & Karl Malden.]

Зловещее поручение.
(Головоломка; Зловещие убийства; Зловещая миссия).
I'll Say She Does (Collins, 1945);
I'll Say She Does! (NY; Dodd, 1946; London: Fontana Books, 1958) Lemmy Caution-11

[--One of Mr.Cheney's great characters, Lemmy Caution, returns in this book, he is a great character whose wise-cracks certainly add to the gaiety of the United Nations. Formerly a top guy in the Federal Bureau, Lemmy is now attached to U.S. Army Intelligence in Paris. In the opinion of his immediate chief, Lemmy has apparently fallen down somewhat on the assignment given to him, of trailing two suspects, a French woman, and an American named Varley. Lemmy gets a warning and urgent orders to bring them in. The trail leads from Paris to England, and some terrifically exciting scenes in the quiet Surrey countryside. A really exciting tale.]

Говорю вам, она это может!;
Она это может.
(Скажу, что она может)
Night Club (Poynings, 1945)
aka: Dressed to Kill (London: Todd & George Harrap, 1952, 200 pages)

[*«Dressed to Kill» has an additional 35 pages biography (intro.) “The Fabulous Peter Cheyney” and title story, published earlier as “Night Club”]
("It was a quarter past. Gaunt, stepping out into the wet street, thought cynically that it would do Zona good to stew for another three-quarters of an hour. Clients who telephoned through at night, with obvios nerves, were always better for a little waiting, less inclined to argue about the fee.")

Ночной клуб;
Одет для убийства.
(Готов к убийству)

[*отдельный роман (1 глава. Встревоженный джентльмен.) Действие в Англии, гл. герой – Руфус Гаунт (Rufus Gaunt)]

Dark Hero (Collins, 1946);
US title: The Case of the Dark Hero (Avon, 1947)


(Черный герой; Таинственный герой)
Uneasy Terms (Collins, 1946) Slim Callaghan-7 Непростые условия.
(Неподходящие условия; Тревожный период)
Dark Interlude (Collins, 1947);
US title: The Terrible Night (Avon, 1959) Everard Peter Quayle-3, Shaun O’Mara-2, (+Ernie Guelvada-?*)


Мрачная комедия.
(Мрачная интерлюдия; Мрачная пауза; Черный антракт; Фарс; Страшная ночь; Ужасная ночь.)
Dance Without Music (Collins, 1947; Dodd [US], 1948)

[*! NB - Caryl Wylde O’Hara is the main character of this novel , it was possibly rewritten from a Slim Callaghan story. *See Collections: Dance Without Music (Polybooks, 1945, 16 pages collection of Callaghan stories)]
(--The life of a private investigator is never easy, and the beautiful women clients must be an awful temptation, is only O'Hara could stay of the whisky long enough!
--An exciting private detective story, allegedly based on a true story. Ivory returns to his office after the pubs shut to find a woman waiting there for him. He had just done a job for her boss and was expecting to get paid; only it wasn't over yet.
-- 192pp. Private Detective novel introducing Caryl O'Hara to the list of well - loved detective characters created by Cheyney.
--Cheyney's 27th novel - a PI gets mixed up in the ivory business.)

Танец без музыки.

[*гл. герой – частный сыщик - ирландец Кэрил Уайльд О’Хара, предисловие - февраль 1947 (1943*) графство Суссекс, Стинхерст, Англия.
Отдельный роман, возможно был переделан из одноименного рассказа с Каллаганом -?*,
cм. 1945 Сборник]

Dark Wanton (Collins, 1948);
US title: Case of the Dark Wanton (Avon, 1958) Everard Peter Quayle-4 (+Ernie Guelvada-?*)


(Таинственная распутница)
Try Anything Twice (Collins, 1948);
US Title: Undressed to Kill (Avon, 1959)
Со второй попытки.
(Всегда пробуй дважды; Всё
пробуй дважды; Раздет для убийства)

[*отдельный роман, гл. герой - частный детектив Николас Гейл (Nicholas Gale), американец в Англии.]

You Can Call It a Day (Collins, 1949);
US Title: The Man Nobody Saw (Dodd, 1949) Johnny Vallon-1
На сегодня хватит;
Считайте дело законченным.
(Считай дело законченным; Позвоните на днях; Человек, которого никто не видел)
One of Those Things (Collins, 1949);
US title: Mistress Murder (Avon, 1951) Terence O'Day
Обычная история;
Такие вот дела.
(Одна из тех вещей; Одна из этих вещей; Убийство хозяйки)
Lady, Behave! (Collins, 1950);
US Title:
Lady Beware (Dodd, 1950) Johnny Vallon-2
(Ведите себя прилично, леди; Ведите себя прилично; Леди, ведите себя прилично; Леди, будьте осторожны; Осторожно, леди; Берегитесь леди;)
Dark Bahama (Collins, 1950);
US Title: I'll Bring Her Back (Julian Isles, Private Detective) (NY: Eton, 1952) Johnny Vallon-3, Everard Peter Quayle-5, Ernie Guelvada


Черная Багама.
(Темные Багамы; Я верну ее)
Ladies Won't Wait (Collins, 1951);
US Title: Cocktails and the Killer (Avon, 1957) Michael Kells-2
Леди не любят ждать.
(Леди не желают ждать; Леди ждать не будут; Коктейли и убийца)

Omnibus books:

Сборники романов:

Lemmy Caution Omnibus (London: Collins, 1952)
Contains three novels:

This Man is Dangerous;
Dames Don't Care;
I'll Say She Does.
The Dark Omnibus (NY: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1952)
Contains three novels:
The Stars are Dark;
The Dark Street;
Sinister Errand.

[---This volume contains three complete novels - The Stars are Dark; The Dark Street; Sinister Errand, plus a 'Dark Forewod' by Anthony Boucher. The first two are clearly a part of the Dark series and the third seems also to fit into this rather well done WWII espionage series.]


Collections:                                                   Сборники рассказов:

You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories (Collins, 1937)
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Abie Always Pays (Abie Finkelstein);
Abie and the Gangsters (Abie Finkelstein);
Abie in Hollywood (Abie Finkelstein);
The Bump-Off ;
Chicago Pay-Off ;
The De Lanier Technique;
Death in the Lift ;
The Death on Panhandle;
A Double Double-Cross;
Gun Moll Blues;
The Gigolo;
Honour Among Thieves;
The Humour of Huang Chen;
Information Received;
The Last Straw;
A Life for a Lamp;
The Man with the Eyeglass;
The Man with the Red Beard;
The Pin;
A Set-Up for Psychology;
A Square Deal;
Three Men on Tampa;
The Weeping Lady;
You Can't Hit a Woman.

[with a Foreword by Dennis Wheatley]
on the title page ‘To Monty from Peter Cheyney’.
-- Inscribed by the author on the title-page: 'To Sir Bruce / from / Peter Cheyney'.]

aka: The Man with the Red Beard (Todd, 1943)
[*some stories from “You Can't Hit a Woman” were reprinted in this short book. -?*]

(Вы не можете ударить женщину и другие истории)
Knave Takes Queen (Collins, 1939; new and enlarged edition - London: Faber, 1950, 283 pages)

Contents [alphabetical order]:
Of a Delay in the Post;
Of an Experience of Pierre Duchesne;
Of Honoria Dove-Mellifleur;
Of Pastoral Blackmail;
Of Perfume and Sudden Death;
Of the Demise of Mr. Evelyn Sout;
Of the King of Tarragona;
Of the Reclamation of Captain Kidd;
Of the Vengeance of Hyacinth Jones.

[--INSCRIBED PRESENTATION COPY. Inscribed on the title page ‘For Monty Haydon from Peter Cheyney’.]

(Валет бьет даму)
Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan (Collins, 1941) [12 Callaghan stories & 16 Caution stories]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Account Rendered (Callaghan);
Ain't Love a Scream (Caution);
The Big Shot (Caution);
Big-Time Stuff (Caution);
Black-Out (Callaghan);
Callaghan Plus Cupid (Callaghan);
Dames Are So Dizzy (Caution);
Dance Without Music (Callaghan, *later [1947] rewritten as a Caryl O’Hara story);
The Date After Dark (Callaghan);
Documentary Evidence (Callaghan);
Duet for Mobsters (Caution);
Fifth Column (Callaghan);
From the Neck Up (Caution);
The Guess Comes Off (Callaghan);
The Heat for Six (Caution);
Hey...Duchess! (Caution);
Hey...Sherlock (Caution);
It Runs in the Family (Callaghan);
The Mouthpiece Talks (Caution);
Murder with a Twist (Callaghan);
On the Cards (Callaghan);
One for the Heiress (Caution);
Portrait of a G Man (Caution);
Sob Stuff (Caution);
They Had an Alibi (Caution);
They Had It Coming (Caution);
The Wine Glass (Caution);
You Can't Trust Duchesses (Callaghan).
(Мистер Коушн – Мистер Каллаген)
Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish (Polybooks, 1943) (MacTavish stories)
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
The Clash with Dr. Klaat;
He Walked in Her Sleep;
The Missing Rembrandt;
Too Many Cooks.
(Приключения Алонсо Мак-Тэвиша)
Alonzo MacTavish Again (Polybooks, 1943) (MacTavish stories)
[short book-?]
Contents: ?
Love with a Gun and other stories (Polybooks 1943, 16 pages; Polybooks, 1946, 62 pages) [short book-?]
Contents: ?
(Любовь с пистолетом и другие истории)
The Murder of Alonzo (Polybooks, 1943) (MacTavish stories)
[short book-?]
Contents: ?
(Убийство Алонсо)
Account Rendered (Polybooks, 1944)
[short book-?]
Contents: ?
(Счет оплачен)
Making Crime Pay (London: Faber and Faber, 1944) (colleted stories, articles, radio plays)
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Abie the Sleuth (Abie Finkelstein);
Enter Alonzo MacTavish (MacTavish);
The Humour of Lo-Chung (script for radio-play 1939);
I Should Know Better;
In the Bag (Callaghan);
It Comes Off Sometimes (Callaghan) ;
The Key (script for radio-play -?*);
Lady in Love (Callaghan);
Mayfair Melody;
Nice Work (Caution);
Not So Dumb;
One Born Every Minute;
One for the Duchess;
The Orange Kid;
The Pay-Off (script for radio-play “Pay-off for Cupid” - ?*);
The Perfumed Ghost (script for radio-play “The Perfumed Murder” or “Parisian Ghost” - ??*);
Truth Is Never Acceptable;
We Girls Must Hang Together;
Your Deal Madame (script for radio-play).

[*Five scripts for the BBC broadcast were published in the book “Making Crime Pay”. These include “The The Humour of Lo Chung” (broadcast on 4 July 1939) together with scripts featuring Lemmy, Slim and Alonzo, which may have been broadcast as episodes in one of the serials, plus a play entitled “Your Deal, Madame”. \www.petercheyney.co.uk\]
London: Faber & Faber, 1946, 256pp. Foreword by Charles Eade.
--How Peter Cheyney has developed fiction out of fact. Real stories of crime from his experiences as a crime journalist and investigator. Great for Cheyney collectors.]

The Adventures of Julia (Poynings Press, Henfield, Sussex, 1945, 32 pages); [also- London: Todd, 1954, 192pages --*All the 'Julia' adventures printed together for the first time.];
US Title: The Killing Game (Belmont, 1975) Julia Herron
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Escape for Sandra (Novella) (Everard Peter Quayle-?*);
Lady in Luck (Julia Herron);
Not-So-Secret Service (Julia Herron);
This "Other Woman" Stuff (Julia Herron);
This Intuition Business (Carew);
A Tough Spot for Cupid (Carew);
The Tiger at Twelve ;
You'd Be Surprised (Julia Herron).

aka: The Adventures of Julia and two other spy stories (Todd, 1954)
[-?* also was published as: You'd Be Surprised. (error-???)]

(Приключения Джулии; Смертельная игра)
Dance Without Music (Polybooks, March 1945) [short book of 16 pages] [collection of Callaghan stories]
Contents: ?

! NB novel : Dance Without Music (Collins, 1947; Dodd, 1948) Caryl Wylde O’Hara

(Танец без музыки)

[*См. 1947- Романы]

Escape for Sandra (Poynings, 1945) (Everard Peter Quayle-?*)
[short book-?]
Contents: ?

[*NB (misprint): ‘Escape from Sandra’]

(Побег для Сандры)
A Tough Spot for Cupid and other stories (London: Vallancey, 1945) [short book of 64 pages.]
Contents: ?
(Подмоченная репутация для Купидона и другие истории)
Date after Dark and other stories (Todd, 1946) (Polybooks, 1944 - ?*) [contains Callaghan stories, etc…]
[short book-?]

(После наступления темноты)
He Walked in Her Sleep and other stories (Polybooks, 1946) [short book of 62 pages];
: He Walked in Her Sleep (Todd, 1954, 187 pages);
US Title: MacTavish (Belmont Tower Books, 1973) [19 MacTavish stories]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Alonzo - Sportsman;
The Biter Bit;
The Black Mantilla;
Chinese Music;
The Clash with Doctor Klaat;
The Diamond Scarab;
He Walked in Her Sleep;
He Who Laughs Last;
The House with the Yellow Brick;
Lady in Green;
Luck...and a Lady;
The Mauser Pistol;
The Missing Rembrandt;
The Murder of Alonzo;
The Peacock Fan;
The Return of Klaat;
Too Many Cooks;
The Wo Hang Coffin.

[--Nineteen of the best Alonzo Mactavish stories—that tough handsome man-about-town and his exploits with Lon Ferrers and Blooey Stevens against the underworld of Mayfair. His weakness for the fair sex constantly lands him in dramatic adventures.
-MacTavish. -Great novel of murder, mystery and suspense. A fancy frame-up sank MacTavish – the best jewel thief in the business – pelvis deep in murder and stolen gems and beautiful women. By the bestselling author of Callaghan.]

Он ей только пригрезился.
(Он вошел в ее сон и другие истории; Он ходил в её сне;

[*(Роман) - цикл рассказов о "благородном мошеннике" Алонзо Мактавише]

The Man with Two Wives and other stories (Polybooks, 1946)
[short book-?]
(Двоеженец и другие истории)
A Spot of Murder and Other Stories (Polybooks, 1946) [5 Callaghan stories]
[short book-?]

[alphabetical order]:
Double Alibi;
It Runs in the Family;
A Spot of Murder;
They Kidnapped Cecilia.
(Пятно убийства и другие истории)
Time for Caution (Foster, 1946) (William Foster (Publishers), Hounslow, 1948, 96 pages) [Caution stories -?***]
[short book-?]

(Время Коушна; Подходящее время для Кошена)
Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories (London: Vallancey Press: February, 1946) [short book of 64 pages.
[6 Callaghan stories]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
The Big Bluff;
The Dencourt Stiletto;
The Disappearing Diamonds;
Fifth Column;
The Telephone Talks;
Vengeance with a Twist.
(Месть с искажением и другие истории)
You Can't Trust a Duchess and other stories (Vallancey Press, [London & New York], 1946) [short book of 64 pages.]
(Вы не можете доверять герцогиням и другие истории)
The Curiosity of Etienne MacGregor (London: Hennel Locke Ltd, 1947, 125 pages) (a later edition, London: Todd, 1952, is 43 pages longer [168 pages]);
The Sweetheart of the Razors (London: Four Square, 1952; also -1965, 174pp.) Etienne MacGregor stories (Novel)
The Affair of Mrs. Lotus Leaf .
The River That Ran Sideways.
The Demure Lady.
China Tea.
The Yellow Kaffir.
The Sweetheart of the Razors.
The Smoking Lamp.
The Other Uncle.
Julia Rose Petal.
The Sliding Scale.
Cash, Please!

[--An exciting story of a man who must answer thirteen questions to gain a fortune, and who isn't going to find the answers if his rival for the legacy can prevent it.]

Тринадцать загадок мистера Макгрегори.
Любопытство Этьена Мак-Грегора;
Возлюбленная бандитов)

[*(Роман) - Сборник связанных новелл]

1. «Кто такая мадам Лотос Лиф?»;
2. Река, меняющая течение;
3. Застенчивая леди;
4. Китайский чай;
5. Гринсливз;
6. «Желтый кафр»;
7. «Возлюбленная клинков»;
8. Шах и мат;
9. Лампа, рисующая дымом;
10. Второй Дядя;
11. Джулия Роуз-Петл;
12. Скользящие весы;
13. Пожалуйста, наличными!

Lady in Green and other stories (London: Bantam, 1947)
[short book-?]
(Дама в зеленом и другие истории)
A Matter of Luck and other stories (London: Bantam, 1947) [MacTavish stories]
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
The Arrest;
The Black Mantilla;
Chinese Music;
A Matter of Luck;
The Net of Doctor Klaat;
The Peacock Fan.
(Дело случая и другие истории)
Cocktail for Cupid and other stories (London: Bantam, 1948)
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Christmas for Callaghan (Callaghan);
Cocktail for Cupid;
The De Lanier Technique;
Getlin's Perfect Suicide;
A Life for a Lamp;
Poets Can't Take It;
Three Men on Tampa.
Cocktail Party and other stories (London: Bantam, 1948)
[short book-?]
(Вечеринка с коктейлями и другие истории)
Fast Work and other stories ( London: Bantam 1948) [short book of 48 pages.]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
The Death on Panhandle;
Fast Work;
Gangster Stuff;
The Last Straw;
The Tiger at Twelve.

[!NB -* This volume of “Fast Work” differs from that with a similar title 1964. See - “The Mystery Blues and other stories”1954.]

(Быстрая работа и другие истории)
Information Received and other stories (London: Bantam, 1948)
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Exit Permit;
Information Received;
The Man with the Eyeglass;
The Pin;
The Sleeping Car.
(Информация получена и другие истории)
The Unhappy Lady and other stories (London: Bantam, 1948) [MacTavish stories]
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Alonzo – Sportsman;
The House with the Glass Roof ;
The House with the Yellow Brick;
The Mauser Pistol;
The Mystery Blues;
The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall;
To Him Who "Waits";
The Unhappy Lady.
(Несчастная дама и другие истории)
No Ordinary Cheyney (London: Faber and Faber, 1948, 313pp.) [2 Callaghan stories, articles, poetry]
[alphabetical order]:
After Fiesta;
Angel in the Sky;
Birthday for Callaghan (Callaghan);
The Callaghan Touch (Callaghan);
Green in My Eye;
The Gypsy Warned Me;
La Belle Dame Sans Souci;
You Can't Trust Husbands;

[*313 pages. A bit of everything. Short stories including two featuring Slim Callaghan, articles, poetry. The last entry is Appeal to Reviewers and/or Critics. 'Mr. Cheyney urgently appeals to any reviewer who may wish to condemn any short story in this book, to ascertain beforehand that it has not been purchased by his own Editor at some previous time, as this - as in the case of his friend McGonigle Peabody - may lead to complications.' Frontis black & white photo of Cheyney.]

The Lady in Tears and other stories (London: Bantam, 1948)
[short book-?]
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Death in the Lift;
The Lady in Tears (Callaghan);
A Set-Up for Psychology;
You Can't Hit a Woman.
(Дама в слезах и другие истории)
Velvet Johnnie and other stories (Collins, 1952, 192pp.) [7 short stories]
A Matter of Co-operation (Callaghan);
Sweet Murder at Figg's End;
Delayed Action (Terence O'Day);
At the Grape-Vine (Callaghan);
Love and Larceny (Terence O'Day);
Account Overdue;
Velvet Johnnie.

[*with a biographical essay "Peter Cheyney" by Viola Garvin, pages 7-32]
[--The last work of this great English writer.
--The author's last book. Seven short stories.]

(Бархатные парни и другие истории)
Calling Mr. Callaghan (Todd, 1953) [12 Callaghan stories]
[alphabetical order]:
The Big Bluff;
The Dencourt Stiletto;
The Disappearing Diamonds;
Double Alibi;
In the Hall;
The Lady in Tears;
The Man with Two Wives;
The Missing Bullet;
A Spot of Murder;
The Telephone Talks;
They Kidnapped Cecilia;
Vengeance with a Twist.
[*with a biographical essay (anonymous), pages 7-16]
(Попросите мистера Каллагена)
"G" Man at the Yard and three short stories (London: Todd, 1953, 156pp.) (stories with Caution, MacTavish) (+Callaghan-?* )
"G" Man at the Yard (Caution);
Cocktail for Cupid;
The Arrest (MacTavish);
Cocktail Party.
[*A Lemmy Caution novel and three short stories. Lemmy Caution goes to London in the first of these stories.]
[*See -1937 Novels: G-Man at the Yard (Poynings (Sussex), GB, 1946)]
(Джентльмен из Ярда; Джентльмен в ярде)

[* См. 1937- Романы]

The Mystery Blues and Other Stories Peter Cheyney (London: Todd, 1954, 192 pages); [*Eighteen short stories featuring Slim Callaghan, Etienne MacGregor and Alonzo MacTavish.]
Contents 18 stories:?

aka: Fast Work (The Mystery Blues) (London: Ace, 1958, 188 pages); (also – London: Four Square Books (New English Library), 1962, 1964)
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Christmas for Callaghan (Callaghan);
Gangster Stuff;
The Mystery Blues (MacTavish);
The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall (MacTavish).

[!NB -*This volume of “Fast Work” differs from that with a similar title 1948]

(Таинственный блюз и другие истории)
The Best Stories of Peter Cheyney (Collins, 1954)
Contents [alphabetical order]:
Account Overdue;
After Fiesta;
Black-Out (Callaghan);
The Death on Panhandle;
A Double Double-Cross;
Fifth Column (Callaghan);
Green in My Eye;
Honour Among Thieves;
La Belle Dame Sans Souci;
The Last Straw;
A Life for a Lamp;
Love and Larceny (Terence O'Day);
Mayfair Melody;
Nice Work (Caution);
Of the King of Tarragona;
One Born Every Minute;
The Pin;
Portrait of a "G" Man (Caution);
Velvet Johnnie.
(Лучшие рассказы Питера Чейни)

Novellas & Short Stories [alphabetical order]:               Повести и рассказы:
* = 1st publication unknown]

Lemmy Caution 17 stories :
Ain't Love a Scream (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*The Big Shot (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Big-Time Stuff (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Dames Are So Dizzy (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Duet for Mobsters (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*From the Neck Up! (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*The Heat for Six (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Hey...Duchess! (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Hey...Sherlock (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*The Mouthpiece Talks (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
Nice Work (October 5, 1936, London Evening Standard; also - in the coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (Caution)
*One for the Heiress (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Portrait of a G Man (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*Sob-Stuff (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*They Had an Alibi (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*They Had It Comin (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
*The Wine Glass (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Caution)
Slim Callaghan 32 stories:
Account Rendered (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan) (Счет оплачен).
*At the Grape-Vine (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952). (Callaghan)
*The Big Bluff (in coll. “Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories”, February, 1946). (Callaghan)
Birthday for Callaghan (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).(Callaghan)
*Black-Out (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*Callaghan Plus Cupid (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
The Callaghan Touch (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).(Callaghan)
*Christmas for Callaghan (in coll. “Cocktail for Cupid and other stories”, 1948). (Callaghan)
*Dance Without Music (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan, * later [1947] rewritten as a Caryl O’Hara novel) (Танец без музыки).
*The Date After Dark (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan) (После наступления темноты).
*The Dencourt Stiletto (in coll. “Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories”, February, 1946). (Callaghan)
*The Disappearing Diamonds (in coll. “Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories”, February, 1946). (Callaghan)
*Documentary Evidence (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*Double Alibi (in coll. “A Spot of Murder and Other Stories”, 1946). (Callaghan) Двойное алиби.
*Fifth Column (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*The Guess Comes Off (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*In the Bag (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (Callaghan)
*In the Hall (in coll. “Calling Mr. Callaghan”, 1953). (Callaghan)
*It Comes Off Sometimes (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (Callaghan)
*It Runs in the Family (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*Lady in Love (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (Callaghan)
*The Lady in Tears (in coll. “The Lady in Tears and other stories”, 1948). (Callaghan) (Дама в слезах)
*The Man with Two Wives (in coll. “The Man with Two Wives and other stories”, 1946).(Callaghan) (Двоеженец).
*A Matter of Cooperation (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952). (Callaghan)
*The Missing Bullet (in coll. “Calling Mr. Callaghan”, 1953). (Callaghan)
*Murder with a Twist (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*On the Cards (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan)
*A Spot of Murder (in coll. “A Spot of Murder and Other Stories”, 1946). (Callaghan) (Пятно убийства).
*The Telephone Talks (in coll. “Vengeance with a Twist and Other Stories”, February, 1946). (Callaghan)
*They Kidnapped Cecelia (in coll. “Calling Mr. Callaghan”, 1953). (Callaghan)
*Vengeance with a Twist (in coll. “A Spot of Murder and Other Stories”, 1946).(Callaghan) (Месть с искажением).
*You Can't Trust Duchesses (in coll. “Mister Caution - Mister Callaghan”, 1941). (Callaghan) (Вы не можете доверять герцогиням).

Alonzo MacTavish 28 stories:
Alonzo-Sportsman! (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*The Arrest (in coll. “A Matter of Luck and other stories”, 1947). (MacTavish)
*The Biter Bit (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*The Black Mantilla (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*Chinese Music (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*Clash with Doctor Klaat (in the coll. “Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish”, 1943). (MacTavish)
*The Diamond Scarab (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*Enter Alonzo MacTavish (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (MacTavish)
*He Walked in Her Sleep (in the coll. “Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish”, 1943). (MacTavish) Он ей только пригрезился. (Он вошел в ее сон; Он ходил в её сне)
*He Who Laughs Last (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish) Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним.
*The House with the Glass Roof (in the coll. “The Unhappy Lady and other stories”, 1948). (MacTavish)
*The House with the Yellow Bricks (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*Lady in Green (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish) Дама в зеленом.
*Luck...and a Lady (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish) Удача и дама.
*A Matter of Luck (in coll. “A Matter of Luck and other stories”, 1947). (MacTavish) (Дело случая).
*The Mauser Pistol (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*The Missing Rembrandt (in the coll. “Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish”, 1943). (MacTavish)
*The Murder of Alonzo (in the coll. “The Murder of Alonzo”, 1943). (MacTavish) (Убийство Алонсо).
*The Mystery Blues (in the coll. “The Unhappy Lady and other stories”, 1948). (MacTavish) (Таинственный блюз).
*The Net of Dr. Klaat (in coll. “A Matter of Luck and other stories”, 1947). (MacTavish)
*The Peacock Fan (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*The Return of Klaat (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish)
*Sold! (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish) Проданы!
*The Three Grey Men of Mote Hall (in the coll. “The Unhappy Lady and other stories”, 1948). (MacTavish)
*To Him Who Waits (in the coll. “The Unhappy Lady and other stories”, 1948). (MacTavish)
*Too Many Cooks (in the coll. “Adventures of Alonzo MacTavish”, 1943). (MacTavish)
*The Unhappy Lady (in the coll. “The Unhappy Lady and other stories”, 1948). (MacTavish) (Несчастная дама).
*The Wo Hang Coffin (in coll. “He Walked in Her Sleep”, 1946 or enlarged ed. -1954). (MacTavish) Гроб Ван-Ханга.

Terence O'Day 2 stories:
Delayed Action (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952). (Terence O'Day)
*Love and Larceny (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952). (Terence O'Day)
Abie Hymie Finkelstein 4 stories:
Abie Always Pays (in the collection “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937). (Abie Finkelstein)
*Abie and the Gangsters (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937). (Abie Finkelstein)
*Abie in Hollywood (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937). (Abie Finkelstein)
*Abie the Sleuth (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944). (Abie Finkelstein)
Julia Herron 4 stories:
Lady in Luck (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Julia Herron)
*Not-So-Secret Service! (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Julia Herron)
*This Other Woman Stuff (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Julia Herron)
*You'd Be Surprised (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Julia Herron)
Carew 2 stories:
This Intuition Business (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Carew)
*A Tough Spot for Cupid (in “Modern Woman” magazine, #9, [1944-?*]; also - in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Carew) (Подмоченная репутация для Купидона).
Non-series short stories:
Account Overdue (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952).
*Aces High (in an anthology of short stories “London After Midnight”, edited by Peter Haining, [Little Brown UK, 1996])

After Fiesta
(1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
Angel in the Sky (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
La Belle Dame Sans Souci (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
Bread Upon the Waters (May 1953, MacKill’s Mystery Magazine)
*The Bump-Off (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Устранение.
*Chicago Pay-Off (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Расплата в Чикаго.
*Cocktail for Cupid (in coll. “Cocktail for Cupid and other stories”, 1948). (Callaghan-?*)
*Cocktail Party (in coll. “Cocktail Party and other stories”, 1948). (Callaghan-?*) (Вечеринка с коктейлями).
*The De Lanier Technique (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
*Death in the Lift (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
*The Death on Panhandle (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Смерть в Панхандле.
A Double Double-Cross (May 1924, Hutchinson's Mystery Story Magazine) (also in the coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Двойная хитрость.
*Escape for Sandra (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954). (Novella) (Everard Peter Quayle-?*) (Побег для Сандры).
*Exit Permit (in the coll. “Information Received and other stories”, 1948).
*Fast Work (in the coll. “Fast Work and other stories”, 1948; also- July 1954, v4 #3, MacKill's Mystery Magazine). (Быстрая работа).
The Gangster (June 1953, MacKill's Mystery Magazine)
*Gangster Stuff (in the coll. “Fast Work and other stories”, 1948).
*Getlin's Perfect Suicide (in coll. “Cocktail for Cupid and other stories”, 1948).
*The Gigolo (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Жиголо.
*Girl of My Dreams (in an anthology of short stories “Great Irish Detective Stories”, edited by Peter Haining [Souvenir Press 1993]).
Green in My Eye (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
*Gun Moll Blues (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937).
The Gypsy Warned Me (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
*Honour Among Thieves (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937).
*The Humour of Huang Chen (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937; also- Sept 1956, volume 1, no.2, The Creasey Mystery Magazine).
The Humour of Lo-Chung (1939 script for radio-play) (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*I Should Know Better (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*Information Received (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) (Информация получена).
*The Key (1941 script for radio-play -?*)(in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*A Lady of Quality. [publication date unknown -?*]
The Last Straw (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Последняя капля. История, рассказанная Сэмуэлем Х., Чикаго, бывшим гангстером.
*A Life for a Lamp (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
Love Can Be Deadly (March 1955, The Saint Mystery Magazine)
*Love with a Gun (in the coll. “Love with a Gun and other stories”, 1943) (Любовь с пистолетом).
*The Lucky Chance. [Publication Date Unknown]
The Man with the Eyeglass (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
*The Man with the Red Beard (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
*A Matter of Habit (1943, in the coll. “Love with a Gun and other stories”; also- August 1954, MacKill’s Mystery Magazine; also Feb 1957, v1 #6, The Creasey Mystery Magazine)
*Mayfair Melody (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*Not So Dumb (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*Of a Delay in the Post (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of an Experience of Pierre Duchesne (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of Honoria Dove-Mellifleur (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of Pastoral Blackmail (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of Perfume and Sudden Death (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of the Demise of Mr. Evelyn Sout (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of the Dream of Erasmus Bellamy. [Publication Date Unknown]
*Of the King of Tarragona (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of the Reclamation of Captain Kidd (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*Of the Vengeance of Hyacinth Jones (in coll. “Knave Takes Queen” (1939; or enlarged ed. 1950).
*One Born Every Minute (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*One for the Dutchess (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*The Orange Kid (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*The Pay-Off (script for radio-play “Pay-off for Cupid” - ?*) (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*The Perfumed Ghost (script for radio-play “The Perfumed Murder” or “Parisian Ghost” - ??*) (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
The Philosopher (March, April 1953, MacKill's Mystery Magazine); aka: Philosopher (May 1957, v1 #9, The Creasey Mystery Magazine).
*The Pin (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937).
*Poets Can't Take It (in coll. “Cocktail for Cupid and other stories”, 1948).
The Rope (December 1952, MacKill’s Mystery Magazine; also- Oct 1956, v1 #3, The Creasey Mystery Magazine).
*A Set-Up for Psychology (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Ставка на психологию.
*The Sleeping Car (in the coll. “Information Received and Other Stories”, 1948); aka: Sleeping Car (1954, v4 #2, MacKill’s Mystery Magazine; also- December 1956, v1, no.4, The Creasey Mystery Magazine).
*The Sleeping Glass. [Publication Date Unknown]
*A Square Deal (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937)
*Sweet Murder at Figg's End (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952).
*Three Men on Tampa (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937).
*The Tiger at Twelve (in the coll. “The Adventures of Julia”, 1945 or enlarged ed.-1954).
*Truth Is Never Acceptable (in “Suspence” Magazine, #2/6 , 19?? ) (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*Velvet Johnnie (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952). (Бархатные парни).
*We Girls Must Hang Together (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944).
*The Weeping Lady (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937).
*A Woman Scorned. [Publication Date Unknown]
*You Can't Hit a Woman (in coll. “You Can't Hit a Woman and other stories”, 1937) Вы можете ударить женщину? (Вы не можете ударить женщину).
You Can't Trust Husbands (1948, in coll. “No Ordinary Cheyney”).
*Your Deal Madame (radio-play) (in coll. “Making Crime Pay”, 1944)
Радиопостановка «Вам сдавать, мадам!» [*пьеса, 5 сцен, герой Хилари Пайк – богатый молодой игрок].
What Price Hollywood Now? (article in “Tit-Bits” magazine)

Abey! Vot a Luvly Baby! (humorous patter song)
*Wot a Moke! (humorous patter song)
*Red-Serge – the Bolshevik! (humorous song)
*Reginald - the Cheese! (humorous song, one of Cheyney’s best-known songs )

Poems of Love and War
To Corona and Other Poems (1917)

Three Character Sketches
I Guarded Kings: The Memoirs of a Political Police Officer (ghost written for Harold Brust) (1935) [*also - Harold Brust. I Guarded Kings: The Memoirs of a Political Officer, Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2005 (reprint of the 1936 edition published by Hillman-Curl Inc, U.S.A.)].
In Plain Clothes: Further Memoirs of a Political Police Officer (ghost written for Harold Brust) (1937)

Best Stories of the Underworld
, editor Peter Cheyney. (1942 -?*) (London: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1949; reprinted -London: Faber, 1951, 474pp.)
[*1949, First Edition. An anthology of crime stories from authors such as
Gielgud, Williams, Kersh, Gilbert, Farjeon, Crofts, Keverne, White, Benson, Maugham, Berkeley, Allingham, Wallace
, etc.]

Radio & screen Plays                     Пьесы и сценарии:

BBC radio productions with broadcast dates (Радиопостановки с датой выхода в эфир на BBC):
Murder in the Crisis
(see under Death in the Crisis) – (Regional, 02.01.1939)
The Adventures of Alonzo McTavish (serial) – (National, began 14.03.1939)
(Приключения Алонсо Мак-Тэвиша)
The Humour of Lo Chung (adaptation W.Cave-Brown-Cave) - (Empire, 04.07.39)
The Callaghan Touch (serial) - Forces Programme, began 03.04.1941
Knave Takes Queen – (Home Service, 29.10.1941) (Валет бьет даму)
The Key – (05.09.1941; Home Service, 26.12.1941)
The Lady Talks – (05.09.1941; Home Service, 11.04.1942)
Again – Callaghan – (Forces Programme, 01.07.1942)
Lemmy Caution (serial) – (21.12.1942 - 08.05.1943)
...The Perfumed Murder - (Home Service, 27.07.1943; Light Programme, 16.10.1946)
...Concerto for Crooks - (Home Service, 24.02.1943)
...Parisian Ghost - (Home Service, 08.05.1943)
...Pay-off for Cupid - (Home Service, 07.02.1945)
The Callaghan Comeback (serial) – (Forces Programme, began 09.04.1943)
The Alibi Case (no.6 of The Callaghan Comeback serial, broadcast separately) – (Home Service, 05.07.1944)
The Adventures of Julia (serial) – (Light Programme, began 02.08.1945) (Приключения Джулии)
Way Out – (Home Service, 22.08.1945)
Duet for Crooks – (Home Service, 29.05.1946)
Must Get Out (adaptation Derek Hoddinott) – (17.09.1952; Home Service, 20.01.1954)

BBC radio-plays, suggested, but not produced (Запланированные, но не состоявшиеся радиопостановки для BBC):
The Reclamation of Captain Kidd
- 08.07.1946
The Countess and Cupid - 04.09.1946
The Curiosity of Etienne MacGregor - 01.04.1949 (Тринадцать загадок мистера Макгрегори; Любопытство Этьена Мак-Грегора)
Knave Takes Queen (suggested adaptation Ralph H. H. Manchester) - 11.12.1950; (suggested revival) - 31.03.1959 (Валет бьет даму)
Slim Callaghan series (suggestion Philip Ridgeway) - 30.05.1952
Velvet Johnnie - 30.06.1952; (adaptation Anthony Aspinall) - 17.07.1952 (Бархатные парни)
Scent and Sudden Death (synopsis of adaptation Anthony Aspinall 03.10.1952); complete script 13.10.1952
Must Get Out (re-submission Derek Hoddinott) - 05.03.1953
Birds of a Feather (adaptation John Goldsmith) - 02.12.1954
This Man is Dangerous (suggested adaptation John Kier Cross) - 31.05.1955; (suggested adaptation Malcolm Stewart) - 24.04.1984 (Этот человек опасен)
Parisian Ghost (suggested re-broadcast Raymond Raikes) - 13.08.1957
The King of Tarragon (suggested June Spencer) - 24.07.62

The Wife of General Ling (1937, British, 72 min, black and white); aka: The Revenge of General Ling .
Story by Peter Cheyney; Adaptation by Dorothy Hope. Directed by Ladislao Vajda

Uneasy Terms (1948, 1hr 31min).(Slim Callaghan) (Непростые условия; Неподходящие условия; Тревожный период)
Screenplay by Peter Cheyney (based on his own novel). Directed by Vernon Campbell Sewell

Сведение счетов. *
Рус. сборник рассказов (см. Повести и Рассказы) [Содержание: 1. Дама в зеленом (Мак-Тэвиш); 2. Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последним (Мак-Тэвиш); 3. Гроб Ван-Ханга (Мак-Тэвиш); 4. Проданы! (Мак-Тэвиш); 5. Испытание (Мак-Тэвиш); 6. Удача и дама (Мак-Тэвиш); 7. Вы можете ударить женщину?; 7. Смерть в Панхандле; 8. Радиопостановка «Вам сдавать, мадам!»; 9. Расплата в Чикаго; 10. Устранение; 11. Последняя капля. История, рассказанная Сэмуэлем Х., Чикаго, бывшим гангстером; 12. Двойная хитрость; 13. Ставка на психологию; 14. Жиголо.]
Never a Dull Moment (Collins, 1942) Lemmy Caution-9 (+ Slim Callaghan -?*) ???

Scripts for radio-plays (-?***):
The Key (script for radio-play -?*)
The Pay-Off (script for radio-play “Pay-off for Cupid” - ?*)
The Perfumed Ghost (script for radio-play “The Perfumed Murder” or “Parisian Ghost” - ??*)

Short stories (Publication Date Unknown):
A Lady of Quality.
*The Lucky Chance.
*Of the Dream of Erasmus Bellamy.
*The Sleeping Glass.
*A Woman Scorned.

Переводы, требующие уточнения:
Дело Трэвиса.
Таинственная пара.
Психологический просчет. (рассказ)
Шериф округа Пекос. (рассказ)
Испытание. (рассказ) (MacTavish) = ? *A Matter of Luck (in coll. “A Matter of Luck and other stories”, 1947). (MacTavish story) (Дело случая)
Самое рискованное дело.
(возможно, отдельный роман) (или ? = They never say when. 1944 Slim Callaghan-6 )
Жизнь полна неожиданностей.
(роман) (Lemmy Caution-?) = Never a dull moment. 1942-?
Деньги на бочку.
(роман) (Slim Callaghan)
Ловко устроено.
(роман) (Lemmy Caution)
/В романе "Ловко устроено" федеральный агент Лемми Кошен расследует дело о похищении сына американского магната./ = You’d be surprised.1940-?
Сыщик знает больше.
(роман) (Slim Callaghan -?)
Три патрона в дамском браунинге.
Сплошные неприятности.
Смерть на бензоколонке.

Кровавый узел. (Роман-дайджест/ Питер Чейни, 127,[1] с. М. ИнтерДайджест 1996)

Любовь и шантаж. : [Рассказ] : [Роман] : [Рассказ] : [Роман] / Питер Чейни ; [Перевод А. Вейзе, Д. Воробьева]; [Перевод В. Медникова]; [Перевод В. Постникова, Н. Габолаева]; [Перевод В. Савельева], 286,[1] с., М. ИРИС-пресс 1993).

Любовь и преступление. [Сб. рассказов : Пер. с англ.] / Питер Чейни, 155 с., М. Изд-во МНЭПУ 1999) = ? (*Love and Larceny. (Terence O'Day story) (in coll. “Velvet Johnnie and other stories”, 1952) (или ?= сборник Love with a Gun and other stories. Polybooks 1943).

Peter Cheyney links:

the Official Peter Cheyney Website by Adrian Sensicle http://www.petercheyney.co.uk/

the Peter Cheyney page by Dr. Wheeler Winston Dixon http://eng-wdixon.unl.edu/cheyney.html

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